
Mostrando entradas de 2019

Free Topic "Some choices"

230 When I was in a little girl, i wanted to was an astronaut. I believed that the universe and cosmos it was amazing. But with the time I doscovered that I can't, isn't very easy become an astronaut, you need to be perfect man. My dad wanted to I become an engineer, and for this reason in the high school i took in the math elective. On this place I found out that the maths are not my zone. All my life I like draw, and always attract to me the digital animation. I began to learned about this theme, for my own count, and I get better with the time. And I carry out the idea of become an a illustrator, but this only can be a hobbie, "that's not make money", "you need to eat", that says my dad. After the PSU, I wasn't knew to did, and my big sister say to me: "I think you have to study desing, you will be great". I was registered in desing. My dad was angry. Now I'm very happy with my choice. I really like the career especial

"My future job"

Now, I am a student of graphic design, It's difficult for my think in my labor future.  My dream is becoming live of the illustration and be a professional illustrator. Always I imagine that I have an office and there I will do my designs and illustrations. That dream it´s so difficult to realize, but not impossible. Nevertheless, if I can’t do that, I need another option. One of that options can be work in a magazine, designs pages or articles, or just publicity.  I've known about some countries where wages are similar among all people, for example Australia or Finland, but in Chile is not like there. In Chile exists a lot of prejudices about a lot of professional careers. And for that reason, the career of design is underestimated. The people think that we the designers just draw or do pretty posters, but we're more than that.  There are many things that a designer could do, because the discipline of design has a very big labor field, since a graphic

Free topic "Favourite music"

In this post, I will to speak about my favorite music,     music is a very important factor in my life. The music is present every time, in everything that I do, lately I've been listening to the albums of Diego Lorenzini, and I liked it so much. He is a Chilean musician and illustrator, and I want to be like him. I usually listen to him only with myself, because a don't know other people who listen to Diego Lorenzini yet.  Only string instruments and voice form his songs, he use a very common language in Chile, he uses slang and things of that type. I listen to this artist on trips and while doing work for the university. I think is great in every moment. This particular artist I like because: - I love the string instruments; in fact, I have two, a guitar and a ukulele. - He is illustrator and musician; he makes the covers of his own albums. - The lyrics seem near to me, is as if he was an any person, they make me feel save and understood.

Free Topic "Free time and University"

When the posts are free, I never know what to write about. I would be write about pets, but I don’t have one, or about sports, but I don’t practice one in this moment. When I was in the High School I was practiced swim, but now I don’t have time.  So I think on write about my hobbies, but I don’t have a lots, and that actually is because the university.  I always liked to draw, I was drawing all my life and now I don’t want to stop doing it for the university, like another things that I don’t do it anymore (precisely for that reason). I don't want to lose that hobby. A way not to lose them is try to link the draws or illustrations with the university. For example the last semester we had to do a book for a editorial design class, and my book my book was about illustration an the creative process. In the same semester in my workshop, we had to do a fanzine about mental health and that work was done on the basis of illustrations.

"The best holiday/concert ever"

The best concert ever it was my first concert. I was the One Ok Rock’s concert, a Japanese heavy rock band. It was the first time that they came to Chile and I and I save money all the year to be able to go. The concert It was in 2014, I was 14 years old, and I can’t go alone, so I have to invited to my big sister, she don’t like that band, but she access to go. It was in the dome of the Ohiggins’s Park, It was at 9pm but I arrived already to 3pm, and I did a big row all the day. When we achieved to get in, we took a great place. Before “One Ok Rock” it was another band called “Vectores” as opening act, they are fine. I think the most amazing thing it was the sound and the show lights and obviously see them so close. In this year, they come again, but now I don’t like them as much as before.

"A country i'd like to visit"

First, I want to say that I hate the hot, and that's one reason for I don't like very much Santiago. I love the cold, because I like the winter clothes, the wool caps, scarfs, coats. I also like the rain and the snow (despite having seen it just once). So I dream with some day living in a cold country like England. Besides the weather, England seems to me attractive for the architecture. I think that is so awesome. A specific city that I would to like visit is London, because is the place where Sherlock Holmes moving, and the place where was filmed "Skins" a British series. I would like to visit the "Eye of London" to see all the city at same time. Another place that I would to go in the Museum of Natural History, in there are a giant whale, dinosaurs and prehistoric monsters.

My favourite place

I'm a person that do a lot of things, I study desing, I'm from CEDis(who are the represents of students) and I take care of my brother. So between presentations, projects and reunions, I have to treat with a loot of people, and I'm never at peace.  My favourite place is my bedroom, because this place is like my temple. My bedroom is an penthouse, is very spacious and friendly. In this I have my studio and my bed.  I try to finish my day every day in my bedroom to sleep (if I can). If I'm not in the college, I'm in my bedroom, working on a new project or some like that.  When I don't do "college things", I try to work on personal projects or hobbies, like draw, play some instruments, or just watch Netflix (I never do this). Because of I have a life with a lot of people, in my bedroom I like to stay alone. It's my time to think, to stay only with me. I don't have a picture of my bedroom, but attached another picture of a bedroom tha

My Favourite Piece of Technology

My Favourite Piece of Technology is the wacom tablet.  I bougth this tablet two years ago, with a grant for performance academic, before i had a genius tablet, but this began to failed in a little time. The wacom tablet is fabulous, because it have a lot of precision and it is very tranportable. I use it for draw illustrations, either for a poster, a notebook, a sticker or a gift. I have my business.  I use this object at least one twice for week, only if I have time. Not many time ago, I joined to CEDis and in this group I doing many illustrations for some campaigns. I like it because I think that this help me to grow up like an illustrator. The Life without it would be so sad, because the process for one illustration would be more dificult, so this would use more time, so with the university that's would be impossible.


My name is Carolina González, but most people call me Wallace. I have 19 years old. I was born in Santiago, Chile in March 1 of 2000. I lived all my life in Pudahuel. I have a big sister  and a little bother who is like my best friend. I studied my basic education in a municipal school of pudahuel. My  secondary education was in "Liceo Teresa Prats de Sarratea" in 2012 to 2017. Now I'm in the University of Chile, on my second year , studing desing. In the future I want to take a graphic mention.