"A country i'd like to visit"

First, I want to say that I hate the hot, and that's one reason for I don't like very much Santiago.

I love the cold, because I like the winter clothes, the wool caps, scarfs, coats. I also like the rain and the snow (despite having seen it just once). So I dream with some day living in a cold country like England.

Besides the weather, England seems to me attractive for the architecture. I think that is so awesome. A specific city that I would to like visit is London, because is the place where Sherlock Holmes moving, and the place where was filmed "Skins" a British series.

I would like to visit the "Eye of London" to see all the city at same time. Another place that I would to go in the Museum of Natural History, in there are a giant whale, dinosaurs and prehistoric monsters.

Resultado de imagen para museum of natural history


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