Free Topic "Some choices"

When I was in a little girl, i wanted to was an astronaut. I believed that the universe and cosmos it was amazing. But with the time I doscovered that I can't, isn't very easy become an astronaut, you need to be perfect man.

My dad wanted to I become an engineer, and for this reason in the high school i took in the math elective. On this place I found out that the maths are not my zone.

All my life I like draw, and always attract to me the digital animation. I began to learned about this theme, for my own count, and I get better with the time. And I carry out the idea of become an a illustrator, but this only can be a hobbie, "that's not make money", "you need to eat", that says my dad.

After the PSU, I wasn't knew to did, and my big sister say to me:

"I think you have to study desing, you will be great".

I was registered in desing.

My dad was angry.

Now I'm very happy with my choice. I really like the career especially editorial desing, now I did two little books with illustrations and some graphics.


  1. It´s beautiful when you are happy with your career!! I want to see your ilustrations some day (:

  2. My parents didn't want me to study design either! We're very similar! xD


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