"My future job"

Now, I am a student of graphic design, It's difficult for my think in my labor future. My dream is becoming live of the illustration and be a professional illustrator. Always I imagine that I have an office and there I will do my designs and illustrations. That dream it´s so difficult to realize, but not impossible. Nevertheless, if I can’t do that, I need another option. One of that options can be work in a magazine, designs pages or articles, or just publicity. I've known about some countries where wages are similar among all people, for example Australia or Finland, but in Chile is not like there. In Chile exists a lot of prejudices about a lot of professional careers. And for that reason, the career of design is underestimated. The people think that we the designers just draw or do pretty posters, but we're more than that. There are many things that a designer could do, because the discipline of design has a very big labor field, sin...